Исследование конденсации азота в титане - page 8

А.Л. Лысенко
Experimental technique in investigating the energotechno-
logical process of nitrogen condensation in titanium
© A.L. Lysenko
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000, Russia
This paper describes the design of the device to condense nitrogen in titanium. The au-
thor considers the variants of condensation of wet and dry nitrogen. The main stages of
carrying out the experiment are demonstrated.
energotechnological processes, nitrogen condensation, transport and kinetic
[1] Lysenko A.L. Fizicheskie protsessy protekayushchie pri szhiganii titana v srede
azota, i razrabotka na ikh osnove tekhnologii vakuumirovaniya. [Physical pro-
cesses occurring during the combustion of titanium in nitrogen, and the devel-
opment of technology based on their evacuation].
Avtoreferat dissertatsii na
soiskanie uchenoi stepeni kandidata tekhnicheskikh nauk
[Author's abstract of
PhD diss.]. Moscow, 2008.
[2] Lysenko A.L., Gorbunov A.K., Grachev V.V., Bulanov A.V.
khimicheskie protsessy v tekhnologii vakuumirovaniya pri szhiganii poroshka
titana v srede azota
[Physico-chemical processes in vacuum technology for
burning titanium powder in nitrogen]. Moscow, Naukoemkie tekhnologii Publ.,
[3] Lysenko L.V., Bulanov A.V., Lysenko A.L. Otsenka kinetiki energotekhnolo-
gicheskikh protsessov [Evaluating the kinetics of energotechnological process-
V sbornike: Energotekhnologicheskie protsessy. Problemy i perspektivy
[Coll. Articles. Energotechnological processes. Problems and prospects]. Mos-
cow, BMSTU Publ., 2004.
Lysenko A.L.
(b. 1974) graduated from Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Tech-
nical University. Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Physics Department, Kaluga Branch of
BMSTU. Scientific interests include investigation of energotechnological processes.
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