Разработка и исследование термостойких покрытий трубопроводов из коротких базальтовых волокон - page 10

М.А. Комков, Ю.В. Баданина, М.П. Тимофеев
Komkov М.А.
(b. 1938) graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical
School in 1966. Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of the Department
Rocket and Space
Technology Engineering
at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author
of more than 130 scientific papers in the field of engineering technology and com-
posite structures. e-mail:
Badanina Yu.V.
(b. 1990) graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical Uni-
versity in 2013. Postgraduate student of the Department
Rocket and Space Tech-
nology Engineering
at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of 4
scientific publications in the field of space engineering. e-mail:
Timofeev M.P.
(b. 1957) graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical
School in 1986. Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Department
Rocket and Space
Technology Engineering
at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author
of more than 15 scientific papers in the field of engineering technology. e-mail:
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