Н.Н. Зубков, А.И. Овчинников, С.И. Каськов
Microchannel heat exchanger
© N.N. Zubkov, A.I. Ovchinnikov, S.I. Kas'kov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The paper presents an original design of compact heat exchanger which uses principle of
parallel agent flow through a variety of parallel slotted channels. Heat transfer element
is a both-side finned tube made by deformational cutting method. Coolant flow is orga-
nized in hundreds gaps between external and internal fins on a half of length of a circle
of a heat exchange element. Tests on various modes have shown heat exchanger capacity
up to 7 kW with thermal heat transfer coefficient at 740 W/(m
heat exchanger, deformational cutting, microchannel, finned tube.
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Kompaktnyi teploobmennik
[Compact heat exchanger].
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[Thermohydraulic efficiency of perspective ways of intensification of
heat transfer in the channels of heat transfer equipment]. Kazan, Innovation technologies
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GOST 13211—80
Okhladiteli kozhukhotrubchatye vodomaslyanye i vodovodya-
nye dizelei i gazovykh dvigatelei. Obschie tekhnicheskie usloviya
[State Standard 13211–80.
Shell-and-tube water-oil and water-water coolers for diesel and gas engines. General speci-
Introduced 1982–01–01. Moscow, Izdatel'stvo standartov, 1999, 6 p.
GOST 10598—82
Okhladiteli vodovozdushnye dizelei i gazovykh dvigatelei s
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[State Standart 10598–82. Water-air coolers
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[Heat exchangers and
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Publ., 2003, 592 p.
Zubkov N.N.,
Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor of the Tool Engineering and Technologies De-
partment of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. He specializes in machining
and manufacturing engineering and is the developer of a new method of machining de-
formational cutting. He proposed and justified new methods and devices for obtaining
new heat-transfer surfaces, including tube internal enhancement, restoring the original
dimensions of worn machine parts by turning, making a capillary porous structures for