Common methodology for joint application of operator-driven and automated lunar rover motion guidance in night-side craters on lunar poles
Authors: Buslaev S.P., Vorontsov V.A., Grafodatskiy O.S., Kraynov A.M.
Published in issue: #8(68)/2017
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2017-8-1665
Category: Power, Metallurgic and Chemical Engineering | Chapter: Hydraulic Machines and Hydropneumatic units
The study considers issues of guiding lunar rover motion under insufficient illumination conditions of the north and south lunar pole regions. We present options for operator-driven and automated motion guidance. Operator-driven guidance means that a human being (an operator) located at a remote control centre on the Earth or the Moon generates motion commands. The commands are transmitted to the rover by radio links. In the case of automated guidance, motion commands are generated independently on board the rover. We consider the case of automated motion guidance using on-board stereo television cameras, when the rover employs their data and on-board software to construct a three-dimensional grid of the terrain surface and automatically chart its path on it. We compare advantages and disadvantages of operator-driven and automated lunar rover motion guidance methods and work out the recommendations dealing with the logic of their joint application in night-side lunar craters.
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