Transverse shifting influence on contact forces and load characteristics of the radial roller bearing
Authors: Kiryukhin A.A., Sorokin F.D., Popov V.V.
Published in issue: #1(145)/2024
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2024-1-2327
Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Mechanics of Deformable Solid Body
The paper considers a problem of compressing a radial roller bearing onto the rigid base. The contact between the rollers and the bearing rings is accounted for in the traditional way using the well-known Palmgren formula. The loading rod and the inner ring wide contact is studied according to the I.Ya. Shtaerman theory. The curved rod design diagram is adopted for the outer ring. Satisfactory agreement between the calculation and experiment results could be achieved only when considering transverse shears in the outer ring deformation equations. To determine the number of rollers in contact with the rings, the finite element simulation is first carried out. The paper shows that the load characteristic was calculated using the developed algorithm and differed insignificantly from those obtained in the experiment. The developed algorithm provides high performance with sufficient accuracy; therefore, it is recommended for use in solving the rotor dynamics problems.
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