The concept of the auxiliary propulsion system of the III stage of the Soyuz launch vehicle
Authors: Gorokhov V.D., Fomin V.M., Golubyatnik V.V., Scheblykin D.A.
Published in issue: #8(116)/2021
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2021-8-2102
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts
The paper introduces a concept of creating an auxiliary propulsion system for the III stage of the Soyuz launch vehicle. The concept is aimed at reducing the cost of launching a payload into low Earth orbit. The study describes the auxiliary propulsion system and its constituent elements and gives the results of a preliminary calculation of the main characteristics of a low-thrust engine. Within the research, we developed a sketch layout of the auxiliary propulsion system integrated into the 14D23 liquid propellant rocket engine and analyzed the mass characteristics of the constituent elements and the greatest contribution to the total mass of the propulsion system. The proposed propulsion system is distinguished by electric drives for the power supply system pumps used instead of the turbine drive. This auxiliary propulsion system, combined with a 14D23 liquid propellant rocket engine, powered by oxygen-naphthyl propellants, is proposed for use in the III stage of the Soyuz-2-1b launch vehicle.
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