Substantiation of the selection of the points for the erector suspension with the lifting mechanism ropes at launch complexes
Authors: Udovik I.S., Zolin A.V.
Published in issue: #7(103)/2020
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2020-7-1998
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Ground Complexes, Launch Equipment, Aircraft Exploitation
The paper considers the problem of selecting the optimal weight and size characteristics of an erector frame for advanced super heavy-lift launch vehicle by selecting the suspension points of lifting mechanism ropes to the erector when transferring the rocket to a vertical position at the launch complex. The calculated dependences of frame weight and the force in polyspast system on the distance between the points of erector attachment to the racks of the launch pad and the points of erector suspension with the ropes are presented. The effect of the transverse width of the erector frame guide beams and the angle between the tight ropes and the horizon at the initial moment of lifting the rocket to the vertical position on the weight and dimensions of the erector is analyzed. According to the calculation results there is the possibility of a significant reduction in the weight, size and cost of the erector and the drives of lifting mechanisms in comparison with the case when ropes are attached to the cantilever part of the frame and systems using hydraulic drives as the lifting end organs of the erector beam.
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