А.С. Бурков, Д.А. Ягодников, А.В. Сухов, В.И. Томак
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 10·2017
Spectrozonal diagnostics of powdered aluminum
combustion processes in the air stream
© A.S. Burkov, D.A. Yagodnikov, A.V. Sukhov, V.I. Tomak
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
When designing ramjet engines, the problem of optimizing the model engine design often
arises. Optimization is improving the quality of the working process of fuel combustion in
the combustion chamber. The criterion for its estimation can be the temperature of the
combustion products (CP): its value and the distribution in the chamber volume. Meas-
urement of the CP two-phase flow temperature is associated with certain difficulties,
since using contact methods does not provide reliable information about temperature due
to the effect of the condensed phase on the sensitive element, and also due to the uncer-
tainty caused by the CP temperature non-equilibrium. It seems promising to use contact-
less methods for measuring temperatures, in particular optical pyrometry methods. The
technique of spectrozonal video shooting is developed. It allows determining the tempera-
ture fields in the space of a model ramjet combustion chamber equipped with a flat
transparent element for visualization. What is more, the determination of the temperature
is carried out simultaneously separately for the solid and gas phases due to using a spe-
cial optical stereo attachment doubling the image and allowing each image to be record-
ed at two different wavelengths using two interference filters. Each of them is designed to
record the radiation of the k-phase or gas (at the radiation wavelength of the sodium
doublet of 589 nm).The processes of ignition and combustion of the air suspension of
aluminum particles ASD-1 in the ramjet combustion chamber were chosen as the object
of investigation. The description of the experimental setup for spectrozonal filming (video
shooting) intra-chamber work processes is given, the layout and description of the exper-
imental section with the location of the optical stereo attachment and the video camera,
as well as imaging scheme in the mirror system are described. The techniques and results
of processing the workflow shots for two different modes are presented. The analysis of
processing results is given.
ram jet, optical pyrometry, two-phase flow, temperature nonequilibrium
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