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В.В. Горский, А.Н. Гордеев, С.А. Васильевский, Т.И. Дудкина, В.А. Сысенко


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 11·2016

Testing of design-theoretical model of silicon carbide aero

thermo-chemical degradation washed by high-temperature

air stream

© V.V. Gorskiy

1, 3

, A.N. Gordeev


, S.A. Vasil’evskii



T.I. Dudkina


, V.A. Sysenko



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia


JSC MIC NPO Mashinostroyenia, Moscow Region, Reutov, Russia

Silicon carbide is widely used in technologies to prevent high-energy devices

construction elements from oxidation. The article presents the determination results of

silicon carbide effective physical properties based on the inverse problem solution with

respect to the experimental data for the material ablation obtained in the subsonic air jet

plasma torch, and the design-theoretical model of this process, which have been

published in the literature. The given model of silicon carbide mass ablation takes into

account all the basic physical and chemical processes involved in the ablation of this

material: heterogeneous chemical oxygen reaction with silicon carbide, that results in

forming a silicon dioxide film on the material surface, the silicon dioxide sublimation on

both film sides and gaseous components diffusion through this film, silicon dioxide

ablation under the shear forces influence exerted by the gas stream. To calculate the

heterogeneous chemical reaction, we use the Arrhenius equation, to calculate the silica

carryover weight in the liquid phase, we use laminar boundary layer equations, and to

calculate shear forces acting on the silicon dioxide film, we use Navier – Stokes

equations. The article findings are designated to improve the silicon carbide thickness

estimates quality required for protection of high-temperature products construction

elements from oxidation.


carbon materials, silicon carbide, thermochemical destruction, destruction

of silicon carbide, laminar boundary layer, layer against oxidation.



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