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Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 10·2016 11
Lipikhin E.G., Shevelev D.V.
Elektronnyy zhurnal: nauka, tekhnika i obrazovanie —
Electronic journal: science, technology and education
, 2015, no. 3. Available at:
GOST R 53637–2009. Turbokompressory avtotraktornye. Obshchie
tekhnicheskie trebovaniya i metody ispytaniy
[State Standard R 53637–2009.
Motor and tractor centrifugal compressors. General technical requirements and
test methods]. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2010, 12 p.
Proektnaya dokumentatsiya dlya kondensatsionnykh kotlov BuderusLoganoPlus
[Project documentation for Buderus Logano Plus condensing boilers]. Available
GOST 30735–2001. Kotly otopitelnye vodogreynye s teploproizvoditelnostyu ot
100 kVt do 4 MVt. Obshchie tekhnicheskie usloviya
[State Standard 30735–
2001. Heating water boilers with heating capacities between 100 kWt and 4
MWt. General technological conditions]. Introduced Jan 01 2003. Moscow,
Standartinform Publ., 2002.
GateCycle, General Electric
Available at:
https://getotalplant.com/GateCycle/docs/GateCycle/index.html(accessed 04 March, 2016).
Tsanev S.V., Burov V.D., Remezov A.N.
Gazoturbinnye i parogazovye
ustanovki teplovykh elektrostantsiy
[Gas turbine and combined cycle plants of
thermal power stations]. Moscow, Moscow Power Engineering Institute Publ.,
2009, 584 p.
Lipikhin E.G., Shevelev D.V. Vliyanie stepeni ponizheniya davleniya gaza na
oblik protochnoy chasti mikroturbiny kogeneratsionnoy ustanovki [Effect of
pressure ratio degree on the wheelspace layout of a cogeneration plant
Tr. Region. Nauchno-tekhn. konf. Studentov, aspirantov i
molodykh uchenykh “Naukoemkie tekhnologii v priboro- i mashinostroenii i
razvitie innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti v vuze”
[Proc. of the “Knowledge-intensive
technologies in instrumentation and mechanical engineering and innovative
activity development in higher education institutions: Regional Scientific and
Technological Conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists].
April 19th–21st, 2016, vol. 1. Kaluga, Bauman Moscow State Technical
University, 2016, pp. 124–129.
Lipikhin E.G.
(b. 1993), student of power systems engineering, Department of Heat
Engines and Thermal Physics, Kaluga branch, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Specialises in gas turbines, cogeneration plants, mathematical modeling. e-mail:
Evgeny.Lipihin@yandex.ruShevelev D.V.
(b. 1978), Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Professor, Department of Heat
Engines and Thermal Physics, Kaluga branch, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Specialises in turbine manufacturing, thermal engineering, gas and fluid dynamics, math-
ematical modeling. e-mail: