Д.В. Клеветов, А.Л. Симаков
Klevetov D.V. Sozdaniye obratnoy svyazi dlya sistemy upravleniya
sborochnym ustroystvom na baze trekhstepennogo mekhanizma s parallel'noy
kinematikoy [Creating a feedback for the assembler control system based on
threefold mechanism with parallel kinematics].
Dostizheniya v oblasti
tekhnicheskikh nauk: Sb. nauch. tr., posvyashchennyy 60-letiyu vysshego
professional'nogo obrazovaniya v g. Kovrove
[Achievements in the field of
technical sciences: Coll. scientific. works, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of
higher education in the town of Kovrov]. Kovrov, Degtyarev KSTA, 2012,
pp. 252–262.
Klevetov D.V.,
lead engineer at JSC “All-Russian Scientific-research institute ‘Signal’”,
Senior lecturer at Degtyarev KSTA. Sphere of research interests: Automatic control sys-
tem, robotic devices, process automation, production management, organization man-
agement, econometric modeling. e-mail:
denis_klevetov@list.ruSimakov A.L.,
Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor of the Degtyarev Kovrov State Technological