Параметрический анализ режимов струйной промывки деталей…
Kolpakov V.I.,
Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor of the Department “Technologies of Rocket
and Space Engineering” at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. He is the author
of more than 150 research papers in the field of mathematical modeling of dynamic pro-
cesses. e-mail:
kolpakov54@mail.ruFilimonov A.S.
, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), associate professor at the Department “Technologies
of Rocket and Space Engineering” at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Depu-
ty Dean of the Faculty "Special machinery” at BMSTU. He is the author of more than 30
research papers in the field of engineering technologies. е-mail:
a student at the Department “Technologies of Rocket and Space Engi-
neering” at Bauman Moscow State Technical University.