Б.Е. Винтайкин, Н.А. Беляков, И.Б. Чудаков, П.А. Саидахметов, Т.А. Турмамбеков
more than 80 works. Research interests: theoretical physics, modelling. е-mail:
timpf_ukgu@mail.ruTurmambekov T.A.
(b. 1957) graduated from Kazakh
State University named after
S.M. Kirov
in 1982. Dr. Sci. (Phys. & Math.), head of the Department of Physics at
IKTU n.a. H.A. Jasavi. Author of more than 120 works. Research interests: solid state
physics, metallurgical science. е-mail:
torebay.turmambekov@iktu.kz; tore_bai@mail.ru