База данных «Оружие нелетального действия» как инструмент прогнозирования…
"Non-Lethal Weapons" Database as a tool for predicting
the risk of NLW technology development
D.P. Levin, S.A. Lushnin
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article describes an approach to the development of the «Non-lethal weapons» data-
base structure. The database is considered as a means of information support for com-
puter aided design of optimal shape of non-lethal weapons (NLW). Also it is regarded as
a tool for generating input data for the systems of assessment and prediction of the risk of
NLW technology development with the prospect of forming the foundation for the devel-
opment of advanced CALS- means for the studied subject area. The structure is based on
the authors’ NLW classification on various grounds, including the physical nature of the
impact factor as the level of development completion. The approach to the research clas-
sification in the field of NLW is described as well. The article also presents the general
scheme of the NLW life cycle embedded in the database software implementation, the
relational database scheme and user interface for accessing data.
special means, non-lethal weapons, database, prognosis, decision making.
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2012, no. 7–8,
pp. 63–76.
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Problems. Series 16: Technical means of combating terrorism
2014, no. 3–4,
pp. 36–51.