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Возбуждение детонации в зарядах взрывчатого вещества…


The projectile impact initiation

of the cased high explosive charges

© I.F. Kobylkin, A.V. Petukov, I.A. Yakovenko

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article describes the results of numerical simulation of the process of shock initiation

in the charges of explosive, cased in steel shells with the thickness of 4 and 12 mm, by cy-

lindrical projectiles weighing 18.6 g moving in the speed range of 750 – 2,300 m/s. The

powerful shock waves that can initiate detonation are generated when the cased high ex-

plosive charges are exposed to high-speed projectiles. Whether there will be detonation

or not, depends not only on the amplitude and duration of shock wave, which in turn are

determined by the speed and the diameter of the projectile, but also on the nature of the

restrictions. It was found that under the influence of the projectiles on charges of explo-

sives in thin shells the detonation occurs in the shock waves produced at the initial stage

of minimum-delayed shock interaction, and under the impact of the projectiles on charg-

es of explosives in thick shells the detonation initiation at the limit occurs with a noticea-

ble delay as shock waves reflected from shell wall are crossing. Since the pressure in the

reflected shock waves is twice as much as the pressure in the incident shock waves, the

critical projectile velocity needed for initiating detonation of explosive charges in a thick-

walled shell is proved to be less than for explosive charges in a thin-walled shell. Numer-

ical techniques that can be used in future studies for determining the critical conditions

of shock wave detonation initiation in various cased explosive devices were developed.


cased high explosive charge, detonation initiation, shock wave, numerical

modeling, decomposition kinetics.


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[Initiation and Propagation of Ex-

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Kobylkin I.F.

(b. 1951)

graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School in


Doctor of Engineering Sciences, professor of the Department of High-Precision

Airborne Devices at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The author of

about 200 scientific works including 11 monographs in the field of theory of explosives,

blasting technologies, chemical physics of combustion and explosion, materials and

structures of light armor protection, dynamical protection of armored vehicles.
