Генерация спектрально ограниченных ультракоротких импульсов в YAG:Nd3+-лазере с быстрорелаксирующим пассивным затвором - page 14

Генерация спектрально ограниченных УКИ в YAG:ND
Generation of spectrally limited ultrashort pulses in
laser with a rapidly relaxing passive gate
© V.A. Babenko, A.A. Sychev
Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991, Russia
The main purpose of the research was to implement the mode of generating ultrashort
picosecond duration pulses using a rapidly relaxing dye and the method of cavity losses
discharge of еру pulsed solid-state lasers with a passive gate. We calculated the genera-
tion kinetics and determined the optimal conditions modulation mode in combination
with passive gate enlightenment. We implemented the method for the YAG: Nd
laser, for
which we obtained the intense ultrashort pulses with duration of ≈12 ps, corresponding
to the maximum width of the emission spectrum of the nonselective resonator.
picosecond laser pulses
rapidly relaxing passive gate, Q-switched laser.
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