Применение наукометрического анализа в мероприятиях по реализации патентноинновационной стратегии - page 8

П.А. Дроговоз, В.В. Власова
Application of scientometric analysis for the implementa-
tion of the patent and innovation strategy
© P.A. Drogovoz, V.V. Vlasova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The purpose of this paper is to study the role of scientometric analysis in the implementa-
tion of patent and innovation management strategy of knowledge-intensive enterprise.
The application of scientometric analysis is shown in accordance with the structural ele-
ments of patent and innovation strategy, namely its implementation in activities to opti-
mize patent portfolio, to patent blocking competitors and to increase the investment at-
tractiveness of the enterprise.
The pattern of interaction of the three spheres of human activity is defined: society, sci-
ence and industry. The decision-making process is investigated for the development of a
scientific direction on high-tech industrial enterprises on the basis of determining the
stage of its development, as well as specialized software usage.
Analysis of existing programs and algorithms of Elsevier is made to identify the most
promising research direction.
patent and innovation strategy, scientometric analysis, scientific direction,
map of science, improvement of investment attractiveness, blocking patent, patent portfo-
lio optimization.
Drogovoz P.A.,
Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Foreign Economic Ac-
tivities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr. Sci. (Economics), Profes-
sor. Author of about 70 publications including 8 monographs in the field of theory and
methodology of value-based management, organizational economic analysis and design,
civil-military integration, business informatics. e-mail:
Vlasova V.V.,
Laboratory Researcher of the Department of Entrepreneurship and For-
eign Economic Activities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of
6 publications in the field of strategies to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises
based on innovative approaches. e-mail:
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