Разработка модели организации процесса патентных исследований на предприятии
Developing a model of the patent research process at the
space industry enterprise
© T.G. Sadovskaya, N.A. Kashevarova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Space industry is a backbone element of the defense-industrial complex and high-tech
civilian industries of the Russian economy, thus increasing its innovation activity is a
complex and multidimensional problem. The basis of the solution is to create an effective
intellectual property lifecycle management system, which eliminates the dependence on
foreign technologies, as well as to develop own scientific and technical capabilities and
innovation infrastructure. The most important part of this system is the process of patent
research. In this paper, the links between patent research purposes with the stages of the
high-tech product lifecycle are studied and a model of patent research processes for the
space industry enterprise is developed, allowing to increase its effectiveness. The pro-
posed model identifies three key parts: planning, information retrieval and information
processing, lays out the functions of the patent department and technology developers in
patent research, gives recommendations on the organization of their co-working.
Ключевые слова:
patent research, intellectual property, lifecycle, research and devel-
opment, patent search.
Sadovskaya T.G.,
Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Foreign Eco-
nomic Activities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr. Sci. (Eng.),
Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia. Author of about 120 pub-
lications including 12 monographs in the field of theory and methodology of organiza-
tional economic corporate design, organizational economic business analysis, foreign
economic activities organization, business process management of high technology en-
terprises. e-mail:
Kashevarova N.A.,
Аssistant Lecturer of the Department of Entrepreneurship and For-
eign Economic Activities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, employed
at Corporation «Cometa» as an expert in intellectual property rights protection and valua-
tion. Author of 6 publications in the field of intellectual property management in indus-
try. e-mail: