Certificate of Registration Media number Эл #ФС77-53688 of 17 April 2013. ISSN 2308-6033. DOI 10.18698/2308-6033
  • Русский
  • Английский

Simulation of drip-rain effects by tribofatigue loading

Published: 10.06.2020

Authors: Aliev A.A., Ampilogov A.Yu.

Published in issue: #6(102)/2020

DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2020-6-1992

Category: Metallurgy and Science of Materials | Chapter: Science of Materials in Mechanical Engineering

The outer surfaces of aircraft are periodically subjected during flight to intense rain causing hydroerosion of the outer paintwork. The experimental evaluation of hydroerosion resistance is based on testing in high-speed water flow. The main drawback of such research is the bulkiness of the stands, high water and energy consumption, and, as a result, increased cost. As an alternative to drip-rain tests, their simulation by kinetically similar tribofatigue test according to the “ball on plate” scheme is proposed (vertical load is applied to the polymer coating on a rigid substrate through a steel ball). The process is cyclically repeated until the coating is worn to the specified thickness. The experimentally obtained tribofatigue characteristics then can be converted into close-meaning estimates of erosion resistance. CAAPCOAT-B274-ASP108 polyurethane, previously tested for rain erosion, was selected as the sample. For quantitative evaluation of the transition from drip-rain loading to equivalent tribofatigue one the contact mechanics formulas were used by calculating the force of the drip impact and the stress in the contact spot. Tribofatigue tests were conducted on the UMT-2 TriboLab unit. At equal calculated contact stress levels the wear rate under tribofatigue loading was almost 7 times higher compared to the conditions of rain-drop erosion. The reason may be a scale factor due to the actual difference in contact areas under drip and tribofatigue loading, as well as the failure to take into account the dynamics of waves after the impact of drops. The obtained results of tribofatigue tests can give an estimated value of the hydroerosion resistance of the coating.

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