Certificate of Registration Media number Эл #ФС77-53688 of 17 April 2013. ISSN 2308-6033. DOI 10.18698/2308-6033
  • Русский
  • Английский

Development of technological processes in manufacture of the stamped and welded products using the corrosion-resistant porous materials with the specified properties

Published: 30.03.2024

Authors: Tretyakov A.F., Danilenko K.B.

Published in issue: #3(147)/2024

DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2024-3-2346

Category: Metallurgy and Science of Materials | Chapter: Powder Metallurgy and Composite Materials

Porous metal-based materials are widely used in heat engineering, space, aviation, chemical and other industries. They possess the required strength characteristics, hydraulic and technological properties, and are also able of operating at high temperatures and pressures. The optimal technology option for manufacturing permeable products with the specified properties was selected on the basis of systematic approach, which main procedure included the structural simulation modeling. Analysis of the unit designs and their operation conditions made it possible to establish that the most promising ones were those porous net materials made of the 12X18H10T steel, as they were having the required permeability and pore sizes, high mechanical and technological properties. Porous net materials (PNM) made by pressure welding of the woven metal nets using hot rolling in the controlled gas environment possessed stable and reproducible properties. Therefore, they are used in manufacturing filter elements for systems purifying liquids and gases from the mechanical impurities in engines. Mathematical models of the technological process in manufacturing the stamp-welded filters from the 12Х18Н10Т steel were developed providing the required fineness of gas purification from mechanical particles at the given values of flow characteristics, thickness and strength. Optimal values of the technological processes parameters were determined for manufacture of the sheet PNM, stamping the filter elements of the required sizes and electron beam welding in the filter manufacture. Results of bench tests of the developed and manufactured products showed that they provided the required flow characteristics at the given gas purification fineness.


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