Technology of statistical control of the properties of nanomaterials and coatings exposed to ionizing radiation and assessment of the reliability of nanomaterial space products
Authors: Ertman L.V., Rudakov V.B., Burtsev A.S., Baklanov V.I., Filonenko P.A.
Published in issue: #9(105)/2020
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2020-9-2018
Category: Metallurgy and Science of Materials | Chapter: Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials Material Science
Since space engineering started using nanomaterials, there has emerged a contradiction between the need to ensure and confirm high reliability of space products and scarce information to obtain an accurate assessment of reliability due to the lack of sufficient statistics on the reliability of nanomaterial products. To eliminate such a contradiction, we introduce a technology which appears to solve a scientific and technical problem aimed at increasing the accuracy of assessing the reliability of space products. The solution is based on information on the properties, parameters and performance of nanomaterials and coatings and nanomaterial products in the process of statistical control. It is done by combining the information on reliability of the “nanomaterial ― nanomaterial element ― device ― system ― product” sequence and increasing the efficiency of statistical control of this sequence reliability according to the results of simulation, testing and field testing and taking into account rational distribution of costs for testing.
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