Hydrodynamic features of a flow around the traditionally shaped bodies
Authors: Sidnyaev N.I., Tarkhov I.A.
Published in issue: #10(154)/2024
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2024-10-2390
Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Mechanics of Liquid, Gas, and Plasma
The paper presents modern approaches to solving the problem of mathematical simulation of dynamic disturbances of the traditionally shaped surface and underwater bodies in sea water. It provides basic information on the flow and the principle of continuity, highlights kinematic and dynamic aspects of the general equations of motion, as well as their solution for various flow conditions. Assumptions are provided of the classical hydrodynamics including homogeneity, incompressibility, viscosity, mathematical techniques used to solve the three- and two-dimensional disturbed motions, as well as various approximation methods for the specific examples. The paper presents a detailed study of the hydrodynamic flow around the sublimating sphere and methods in reducing frictional resistance by supplying mass to the near-wall boundary region of the flow of substances with low viscosity and density. Dependences are obtained of the hydrodynamic parameters for various flow regimes around a sphere.
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