Certificate of Registration Media number Эл #ФС77-53688 of 17 April 2013. ISSN 2308-6033. DOI 10.18698/2308-6033
  • Русский
  • Английский

Estimating the liquid dispersion average speed from a thin elastic shell

Published: 14.05.2024

Authors: Menshakov S.S., Ohitin V.N.

Published in issue: #5(149)/2024

DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2024-5-2355

Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Mechanics of Liquid, Gas, and Plasma

The paper considers the one-dimensional motion of an elastic cylindrical shell in relation to extinguishing the forest fires. The shell is loaded by explosion of the explosive central charge through a layer of the liquid fire-extinguishing agent. In this case, the shell and the reagent are assumed to be a mass load. The paper indicates influence of the main design parameters (density and thickness of the shell, reagent density, charge dimensions, etc.) on the average speed of the liquid and shell radial dispersion. It notes that accounting for the outer shell elasticity leads to the maximum and further decreasing average speed of its motion. Moreover, the lower the outer shell elasticity, the higher is the maximum average speed value, which is also acquired by the liquid reagent. Therefore, it is necessary to aim at ensuring that the outer shell ruptures when the average speed maximum value is reached.


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