Numerical study of high-speed angular impact welding by smoothed particle hydrodynamics method
Authors: Ahmed Soliman M.E.
Published in issue: #12(156)/2024
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2024-12-2405
Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Mechanics of Deformable Solid Body
The study considers angular impact welding of metal plates, which is one of the methods of pressure welding in the solid state for a wide range of combinations of homogeneous and dissimilar metals. It is shown that in numerical simulation, the created wavy pattern with swirls of the contact surface of the plates, the ejection of a metal jet emitted by the surface layer of the plates, leading to their jet processing, and the melting zone can be calculated by the meshless Lagrangian method of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), with discretization into particles. A detailed analysis of the joint using high-speed angular impact welding will allow designing metal structures with specified mechanical properties. A detailed analysis of the joint using high-speed angular impact welding will allow designing metal structures with specified mechanical properties. The objective of the study is to assess the behavior of the projectile and parent plates under high-speed welding conditions. For calculations, the Johnson-Cook model was used, which describes the stress state of the material depending on the rate of plastic deformation and homologous temperature. The simulation showed the impact velocity contact point velocity and impact angle with the required pressure, which is useful for understanding the requirements for wave formation. The jet is the main cause of welding in the high-speed angular impact process. In welding, a jet is formed as a result of the impact of the projectile plate with the parent plate. Without the impact angle, the jet would be trapped between the collision boundaries. Therefore, the impact angle is one of the important parameters for the occurrence of metallurgical joint. Accordingly, the emission of the metal jet and the morphology of the weld surface were successfully reproduced using the SPH method.
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