Determining the relationship between critical conditions of detonation propagation and the average decomposition rates of explosives in detonation waves
Authors: Andreev S.G.
Published in issue: #4(88)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2019-4-1864
Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Mechanics of Deformable Solid Body
The study introduces a model of steady propagation of non-ideal detonation of open cylindrical charges with diameters close to critical ones. The model was obtained in the quasi-one-dimensional approximation with the use of analytical methods. We found a solution for the model’s closing equation, which directly relates the average decomposition rate in the detonation front, determined by the parameters of the formal kinetics equation and dependent on the detonation rate, the gas-dynamic parameters of the initial explosive and its reaction products (isentropic exponents), the duration of the chemical peak and ideal detonation velocity, and also the ratio of the charge diameter to the duration of the chemical peak of the ideal detonation. We obtained an equation which reflects the dependence of the non-ideal detonation velocity on the charge diameter. The critical diameter is determined as the range boundary of the charge diameter values at which this equation still has a solution. The study shows that the expression for the fundamental characteristics of the detonation process, i.e. the ratio of the spread time and the reaction time of the explosive, differs from the expression used in the Khariton principle when taking into account the divergence of the reacting flow in the curved detonation front. As for the critical value of this ratio, in general it is different from the unity and is a variable value depending on the characteristics of the kinetics of decomposition of a substance in shock waves. Based on the calculations, we draw a conclusion that changes in the microstructure of the explosive charge of the same composition, displayed by changes in the parameters of the formal kinetics equation, are accompanied by relative changes in the critical diameter, many times greater than the relative changes in the duration of the chemical peak of ideal detonation
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