Determination of the consistent pattern influence of prescription and internal ballistics parameters on the burning rate of the low-temperature high-burning gas-generating propellants
Authors: Kalinin S.V., Shabunin A.I., Sarabjev V.I., Valyaev V.A.
Published in issue: #4(16)/2013
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2013-4-713
Category: Engineering | Chapter: Rocket and space technology
The paper describes the burning rate of low-temperature gas-generating propellants of a pyrotechnic type, which contains nitroguanidine, ammonium perchlorate and hexamine with additions of micro- and ultra-catalysts ammonium dichromate and iron oxide. The authors reveal how the temperature of burning propellants in the range of Tb = 1400...1800 K influences their ballistic characteristics. The obtained approximate expressions help to design new recipes ofpropellants for different types of low-temperature gas-generators. If considering the found dependencies it become possible to develop the high-performance propellants for rotor accelerating devices in turbojet plants and systems of moving some elements of the actuators.