Possibility of increasing a specific pulse of liquid-propellant rocket engine through addition of inert helium gas into the combustion chamber
Published: 08.10.2013
Authors: Orlin S.A.
Published in issue: #4(16)/2013
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2013-4-697
Category: Engineering | Chapter: Rocket and space technology
The paper presents calculation results for specific pulse of liquid-propellant rocket engines (LPRE) through addition of helium in the propellant systems, i.e. N2O4 + unsym-metrical dimethylhydrazine, liquid O2 + kerosene, liquid O2 + liquid H2, liquid F2 + liquid H2. The article shows that for the first two propellant systems (N2O4 + unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, liquid O2 + kerosene) an addition of helium under definite conditions results in increase of the specific pulse.