On utilization of fluted liners in shaped charges for the 30-mm rifled gun
Authors: Rassokha S.S., Babkin A.V., Ladov S.V., Odintsov V.A.
Published in issue: #1(13)/2013
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2013-1-567
Category: Engineering | Chapter: Blasting technology
Results of the analysis of a technical solution in the field of weapon technology (30-mm small-caliber round M789 to the Apache Longbow M230 gun) are given. The analysis was performed in the context of spin-compensation idea: counteraction to the negative effect of the shaped charge spinning on the jet penetration depth by means of creation of conditions for arising of opposite-directed spinning effects. The engineering technique to estimate a performance of the spinning shaped charges, the foreign literature devoted to spin-compensation and fluted liners, and the numerical modeling of collapsing and self-spinning of fluted liners of the shaped charges were used for the analysis.