Certificate of Registration Media number Эл #ФС77-53688 of 17 April 2013. ISSN 2308-6033. DOI 10.18698/2308-6033
  • Русский
  • Английский

The explosive parameters of the tnt charges containing blocks of high-density metal-ptfe compositions

Published: 14.07.2013

Authors: Yashin V.B., Alekseev V.V., Khodyrev S.P., Malkin A.V., Malkin A.I., Imkhovik N.A.

Published in issue: #1(13)/2013

DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2013-1-566

Category: Engineering | Chapter: Blasting technology

A promising area of research aimed at enhancing the damaging effect of ammunitions is discussed concerning the incorporation (as components) of the so-called reactive materials, from which the metal-PTFE compositions are of the greatest interest. The estimates of the energy content of these systems are calculated, which are very large for the near-stoichiometric mixtures of metal and PTFE, and may significantly exceed the heat of explosion of TNT. In order to assess the potential contribution of these compositions to the total energy release in the explosion of explosive charges in the air and to evaluate their direct impact on characteristics of the explosive action in a near-field zone of the explosion, the comparative experiments were carried out with pure TNT charges and with combined charges, consisting of TNT and a block of the metal-PTFE compositions in two variants: MFC-1 (W-Al-PTFE 87.5/2.5/10.0) and MFC-2 (W-Al-PTFE 36/14.5/49.5). It is shown that the replacement of the central volume of TNT (10 %) with the same amount of MFC-1 almost does not change the explosion parameters of TNT, while the TNT replacement with MFC-2 that is more energy intensive than the MFC-1 leads to the increase in the air shock-wave parameters by 2-4 % (and locally, the impulse growth is up to 30 %). Estimations of the total effect of the air shock wave and the explosion products on the steel plates have shown that combined charges have a greater impact (10-28 %) than the charges of pure TNT in the near-field zone (up to 1 m).