Detonation characteristics, propelling and fragmenting performance of the multicomponent explosive compositions
Authors: Kulikov V.N., Osavchuk A.N., Imkhovik N.A., Odintsov V.A.
Published in issue: #1(13)/2013
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2013-1-564
Category: Engineering | Chapter: Blasting technology
The detonation properties, propelling and fragmentingsplintering action of new powerful explosive compositions that are developed on the basis of components and technologies, applied in manufacturing of domestic highenergy solid propellants, are investigated. The results of the complex experimental studies, conducted in the Federal Center for DualUse Technologies "Soyuz" as well as the results of numerical thermodynamic modeling, performed using the Bauman MSTU method are presented. The results of statistical processing of fragmentation spectra of the Russian standard fragmenting cylinders (RSFC) no. 12, filled with new multicomponent explosive compositions (solid rocket fuels) are analyzed. The possibility to represent the obtained spectra using the new hyperexponential distribution model - the Odintsov-Grady model is considered.