Experimental study of the workflow efficiency in the chamber of a low-thrust rocket engine operating on the oxygen – methane components
Authors: Vorozheeva O.A., Fedotova K.V., Kovalev K.E.
Published in issue: #11(131)/2022
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2022-11-2229
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts
A test bench and a model low-thrust rocket engine operating on the environmentally friendly gaseous components, i.e. oxygen and methane, in continuous and pulse modes are presented. A series of fire bench tests of such model engine was carried out in order to obtain the efficiency criterion values of the working process in the chamber (consumption complex coefficient) and to evaluate thermal state of its structural elements in continuous and pulse operating modes for various values of the operating parameters. Temperature of the outer walls of all structural elements was determined using the Optris PI160 thermal imager. It is shown that transition from continuous to the pulse operation mode of the model low-thrust rocket engine leads to a decrease in the working process efficiency by 30...40%. Raising the pressure in the combustion chamber makes it possible to increase the fuel combustion completeness and, consequently, the consumption complex coefficient.
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