Computational study of the system efficiency of supplying components in the model low-thrust rocket engine on oxygen-methane
Authors: Kovalev K.E., Fedotova K.V., Vorozheeva O.A.
Published in issue: #10(130)/2022
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2022-10-2217
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts
The paper considers a model low-thrust rocket engine using the environmentally friendly gaseous oxygen–methane components as a scientific and technical lead obtained by the authors in the course of preliminary experimental studies. The engine design makes it possible to investigate the influence of the mixing unit configuration, namely position of the supply holes and presence or absence of the components swirling on the mixing process efficiency. Numerical simulation was carried out in a three-dimensional stationary formulation of “cold” mixing of gaseous oxygen and methane and was based on the Favre-averaged Navier — Stokes equations solution closed by the k–ω-SST turbulence model and the ideal gas state equation. Calculation results are provided for various configurations of the mixing unit. It is shown that the most efficient method for the considered model low-thrust rocket engine is the method of supplying gaseous components with swirling in a single direction.
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