Experimental investigation of density and thermal capacity of liquid pure hydrazine
Authors: Altunin V.A., Davlatov N.B., Zaripova M.A., Safarov M.M., Aliev I.N., Yanovskaya M.L.
Published in issue: #11(95)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2019-11-1934
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts
The paper presents the results of experimental investigation concerning density and thermal capacity of liquid pure hydrazine undergoing natural convection when heated to Т = 293…560 K and subjected to pressure р = 0.101 MPa. We compare the results obtained to results published previously elsewhere, revealing inaccuracies in equations used to compute density and thermal capacity. Analysing the experimental results obtained enabled us to develop new equations that ensure highly accurate computations of density and thermal capacity of liquid pure hydrazine. This submission becomes extremely important, as pure liquid hydrazine is widely used in expendable and non-expendable liquid rocket engines, especially in expendable and non-expendable low-thrust liquid rocket engines and liquid micro-rocket engines, which makes it impossible to develop and build novel promising engines without accurate equations for computing density, thermal capacity and other thermophysical properties of the fuel. Moreover, the investigation results and the innovative accurate equations derived by the authors allow us to conduct other experimental studies dedicated to increasing the density and other thermophysical properties of liquid pure hydrazine, for example, by means of introducing dry fullerenes into the hydrazine or employing electrostatic fields, which will be further described in detail in the papers to follow.
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