Analysis of the existing igniter devices and the development of a promising igniter design for the launching booster of modern solid-propellant ramjets
Authors: Sorokin V.A., Mokretsova O.V., Valuy P.V., Fedorov D.Yu., Molodtsov A.N., Vasin V.A.
Published in issue: #5(89)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2019-5-1879
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts
The article briefly reviews the existing designs and technical solutions for solid propellant igniters in rocket engines. The technical and design solutions in the development of solid-propellant rocket engine igniters are analyzed. The results of the development of a promising igniter design with gunpowder filler axially located in the internal channel of a propellant grain of a launching free-flowing booster of a rocket-ramjet engine are presented. Ensuring the required level of structure reliability and durability in the launch mode of the solid propellant rocket-ramjet engine, the igniter will improve the engine traction characteristics due to the combustion of the igniter aluminum shell as an additional energy source and using its combustion products in the stream of solid propellant combustion products
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