Life cycle management system of spacecraft launching complexes
Authors: Karasev V.O., Sukhanov V.A.
Published in issue: #7(55)/2016
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2016-7-1516
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Ground Complexes, Launch Equipment, Aircraft Exploitation
The article discusses the logistic and organizational problems encountered in the production, transport and erection of the launch complexes of Vostochnyy Launch Site. The basic concepts and definitions of product life cycle management (LCM) techniques are presented. Solution variants to the identified problems using product LCM techniques and logistic support analysis are proposed. The software package developed using the principles of multi-agent system construction is presented. The_software package was designed to meet the challenges of product LCM and logistic support analysis by specialists of FSUE "TSENKI"-NIISK.
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