Product thermal regime determination on the Moon surface taking into account the specular-diffuse reflection
Authors: Borschev N.O., Deniskina A.R., Emelyanov A.Yu.
Published in issue: #12(132)/2022
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2022-12-2236
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Design, construction and production of aircraft
The paper considers issues of calculating the thermal regime of a spacecraft on the Moon surface. A method for calculating the external radiant fluxes is provided for this case. Geographical position of the spacecraft on the Moon surface and the initial date were set as the initial data for calculation. The spacecraft thermal regime was calculated by the method of thermal balances on the Moon surface taking into account the specular-diffuse heat transfer for cases, where the nature of the outer surface reflection of the screen-vacuum thermal insulation (SVTI) is diffuse or specular. The calculation showed that the nature of reflection (specular or diffuse) of the SVTI outer surface for the case under consideration was not affecting the SVTI surface temperature and the spacecraft temperature, and its operating temperature ranged from 80 to 400 K.
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