Certificate of Registration Media number Эл #ФС77-53688 of 17 April 2013. ISSN 2308-6033. DOI 10.18698/2308-6033
  • Русский
  • Английский

Spacecraft pulsed flights trajectories with the stages jettison into the atmosphere and phase restriction (part II)

Published: 23.10.2019

Authors: Grigoriev I.S., Proskuryakov A.I

Published in issue: #10(94)/2019

DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2019-9-1925

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircraft Dynamics, Ballistics, Motion Control

The paper considers the idea of reducing near-Earth space debris by discarding expended stages into the Earth’s atmosphere. The problem of optimizing the pulsed flight between the reference circular orbit of an artificial Earth satellite and the target elliptical orbit with a phase restriction on the maximum distance of the spacecraft from the Earth has been solved. Derivatives under the transversality of Lagrange principle in the process of solving are calculated by means of a specially developed technology of numerical-analytical differentiation. The first part of the paper introduces the statement and formalization of the problem. The second part of the paper studies the conditions for the optimality of Lagrange principle, analyses them and compares the findings obtained with the previously known results.

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