Method for assessing the reliability of the output data prepared by automated system for aircraft flight data preparation
Authors: Andreev A.G., Kazakov G.V., Koryanov V.V.
Published in issue: #4(88)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2308-6033-2019-4-1868
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircraft Dynamics, Ballistics, Motion Control
Methods for solving the problem of ensuring the reliability of information have been considered in the works of many domestic and foreign scientists. Nevertheless, when performing some tasks of automation of the activity of the personnel of the governing bodies, it may be difficult to calculate the required value of data reliability due to the complexity of the algorithms for calculating the confidence indicator and difficulties in obtaining adequate input data. A new method for assessing the reliability of aircraft flight data is considered on the basis of the special representation of the data preparing process as a serial connection of technological sections in time and calculating the reliability indicators for each element of the technological section and the technological section as a whole. The structure of a typical technological section includes a documentalist, an operator, hardware, software and a procedure for correcting erroneous data detected by the control procedure. The use of such a process model allows obtaining a simple recurrent algorithm for estimating the data reliability index for any technological section using the reliability index values for the previous technology sections. Having determined the probabilities of data distortion and the time of operation performing by elements of the technological section, it is possible to calculate the values of similar indicators for each elementary data preparation process and the system as a whole. An elementary data preparation process, the essence of which is to update the system database is considered as an example. This stage is the most representative one, since all elements of the technological section are involved in its implementation
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