Интерпретация необъясненных аномальных вековых изменений большой полуоси и эксцентриситета лунной орбиты в современную эпоху - page 12

Ю.В. Баркин, М.Ю. Баркин
Interpretation of unexplained abnormal secular change
of the semimajor axis and the eccentricity
of the lunar orbit in the modern era
© Yu.V. Barkin
, M.Yu. Barkin
Sternberg SAI, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, 12599, Russia
Unexplained secular effects in the orbital movement of the Moon are consequences of the
discovered in recent years phenomenon of remove of the center of mass of the Moon rela-
tive its mantle and crust towards the dark side. Abnormal secular variations of the semi-
major axis and the eccentricity of the lunar orbit discussed in modern scientific literature
are interpreted as fictitious phenomena. They are conditioned by secular drift of the cen-
tre of mass of the Moon relative to its crust and mantle in the direction from the Earth
that is towards the dark side of the Moon. An approximate estimate of the drift velocity
may be about 5…8 mm/year. The phenomenon and the secular anomalous change of the
lunar orbital eccentricity are displayed by precision data of laser observations of the
Moon only, but not dynamic features of the movement of the centre of mass of the Moon
in space. The abnormal secular change of the orbital eccentricity of the Moon is con-
cerned with the spatial nature of the displacement of the centre of mass of the Moon re-
garding the system of reflectors on its surface. This is also true for secular and abrupt
changes of the orbital elements of the Moon in the laser observation data.
shells of planets, light location observations, space geodesy, mantle of the
Earth, the core of the Earth.
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